This is the street of the promised land....
Ohhh this says we are almost there.....
Ahhhhh sweet sweet Promised Land...On the way there this is what my van was SCREAMING at me.....
So this was our salvation.......
When we where leaving we saw this --- I thought about tailing him to whereever he was going and holding him at gunpoint, well not really because I don't carry a gun, but I wonder if my camera would have been as effective? Probably not, and it's for the better since I wouldn't have wanted the kids to be arrested as accessory to a doughnut robbery...
And as for Al Gore ----- this was obviously a lie...
because it never ever should be 35 degrees in FLORIDA (ps, I couldnt' catch a picture of the temp. saying 33 when we first got in the car ---!!)
And thats all I have for today folks......
PS: I'm not really an Al Gore hater... I'm not an Al Gore lover either... lets just call me neutral in the Al Gore camp okay! :)
lol too funny! I heard the news said we're suppose to see snow by Thursday?!!????? The whole county will shut down if that happens lol